
A Nurse's Story by Tilda Shalof
A Nurse's Story by Tilda Shalof

Every scene serves to move the story forward and develop both the tone and two main character arcs. The Nurse does an excellent job of keeping the four-part limited miniseries clicking along at a brisk pace.

A Nurse

Christina shows the new nurse the ropes, and they start calling themselves "the dream team" after working together to save several patients from near-death illnesses and cardiac arrest. She and Pernille start working the late night shift and become close friends. She's an excellent nurse, though, and often knows as much or more about how to diagnose and treat patients as the doctors in the room. Soon thereafter, Pernille is just one of the gang and starts to work very closely with a veteran nurse named Christina, an adrenaline junkie who seems to thrive on the drama of the emergency room. Before she can even get her name tag on, there is an emergency code blue call and this sets the pace for the tension-filled story. All her co-workers are friendly and form a cohesive unit that is tasked with dealing with the most urgent cases that come through the door. She quickly becomes familiar with all the other staff at the hospital as she gets up to speed with her new job. Pernille is a single mom and rookie nurse who nervously arrives at Nykobing Falster Hospital eager to get started in the hectic emergency room. The story is similar in many regards to the Netflix movie from 2022 starring Jessica Chastain and Eddie Redmayne called The Good Nurse but is packed into four episodes that run less than an hour and wastes little time developing the character and the horrifying true events that occurred between 2012-2015.

A Nurse

The story is told from her point of view as she is quickly befriended by Christina Aistrup Hansen ( Josephine Park), an older and more experienced emergency room nurse at Nykobing Falster Hospital. The series is based on a book written by Kristian Corfixen, titled The Nurse: The True Story Behind One Of Scandinavia's Most Notorious Criminal Trials, and stars Fanny Louise Bernth as Pernille Kurzmann, a nurse who is working her first job after graduating from nursing school.

A Nurse

Suspicion arises when relatively healthy patients start to die from unrelated cardiac arrest. The Danish thriller The Nurse is the compelling story of an "angel of death," a woman who works in a Danish hospital.

A Nurse

Another biopic about a sociopathic killer nurse has hit Netflix and is quickly making its way up the streamer's top 10 television shows list.

A Nurse's Story by Tilda Shalof