Vortigern's invitation (449) Cynewulf and Cyneheard (757) Fiery dragons in Northumbria (793) Ashdown and other engagements (878) King Alfred and Guthrum (878) Stamford Bridge and Hastings (1066) - The wanderer - The seafarer - The wife's lament - The husband's message - Wulf - The ruin - Ohthere's voyage to the white sea - Wulfstan's visit to Estonia - Beowulf - King Edwin's council - Caedmon's vision - Cuthbert's death and disinterment - Bede on himself - From Pope Gregory I to Candidus - From Boniface to Fulrad, Abbot of St.

Includes bibliographical references (pages 307-308)ĭeor - The Finnesburh fragment - Waldere - The battle of Maldon - The battle of Brunanburh - The laws of Wihtred - Trial by ordeal - Canute's letter to the people of England - The Anglo-Saxon chronicle. Crossley-Holland-the widely acclaimed translator of Old English texts-introduces the Anglo-Saxons through their chronicles, laws, letters, charters, and poetry, with many of the greatest surviving poems printed in their entirety.